Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao

Bringing back the sacred to the food we know as chocolate. 

Introducing the ancient heart-healing plant medicine, Cacao, "Ka-Kau"

Maryandra's Cacao Elixir Recipe:

1 Ceremonial dose:

1.5 oz Ceremonial Grade Cacao (4 tbsp)

1.5 cup water

1 heaping tbsp almond butter

1 tbsp date syrup

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp cardamom

1/8 tsp sea salt

Heat all ingredients in a saucepan over the stove until melted. Avoid boiling to preserve the nutrients of the cacao. To emulsify, use a frother or place the drink in a mason jar and shake vigorously with the lid on :) 

If you don't have access to a stove, you can warm up water in an electric tea kettle, let the water cool a bit so it's not at boiling temp, then add the water to your mug full of ingredients. Essentially the water just needs to be warm enough to melt the cacao, but not cook it. 

Due to the heavy metals naturally contained in the cacao fruit, it is recommended to ingest no more than 6 oz of this cacao per week to stay withing healthy heavy metal consumption as per the Proposition 65 guidelines. For those who enjoy cacao on a daily basis, this equates to .5 oz - 0.8 oz per day (2-3 tbsp). Enjoy! 

Cacao is best stored in a cool, dry place. Inside a kitchen cabinet is typically fine. Storing in the fridge is also okay, just that it will be more difficult to cut as the natural fat content in the cacao will harden. Shelf life of this cacao when stored properly is one year or more.


*For efficiency: you are welcome to pre-cut your cacao and store in a seal tight container. 

*For ritual use: it is not necessary, but you may like to consider reserving a specific knife and cutting board just for your cacao, to honor the sacred vibration and to help make it a ritualistic practice.

Shipping is possible, just ask! 

1 pound block Ceremonial Grade Cacao: $38 | makes 16-32 servings

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